covid-19 FAQ
Your questions, answered.
Is your office open?
Yes, we have reopened the Workspace. Our mission has been and will continue to be to create a community and environment where our Members and Staff are as safe as possible, therefore, we have re-imagined the Space to best fit these needs. We staggered the reopening into 3 phases. The first, to essential businesses only, the second, to all members of the Workspace, and the third being the common areas and conference rooms.
We are very proud of how quickly we were able to respond to the virus, prior to any mandatory quarantines and shutdowns, we had several safety measures already in place.
We have and will continue to closely monitored recommendations made by both the CDC and Governor Sununu.
What safety guidelines are in place at the workspace?
We have implemented several safety measures into the Space. Our goal is that everyone touches as little as possible and maintain social distancing while navigating through the space.
Upon entry, members are asked to participate in a brief screening process. We ask that masks are worn throughout the common areas of the space, if you do not have a mask, we will supply you with one. Directional arrows have been placed so we can control the circulation and allow members to maintain the recommended 6 ft of social distancing. We are very fortunate to be located on the main floor of the building and have a large enough footprint which allows for this circulation. We have also updated all light switches and faucets to be touch-less.
The space is maintained by our staff during the day and is professionally cleaned at the end of every workday. Self-service cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer have been placed throughout the Workspace for members usage to further wipe down their work area and devices.
How is the air quality?
Many older office buildings have stale office air which has many negative effects on your overall health and productivity. Therefore, in 2014, when the design process began, a high-end HVAC system was at the forefront of the design. The Workspace is equipped the with finest technology and advanced HVAC systems with optimal air quality in mind. The space has 7 systems, with advances filters, UVC light, and supply in return ducts which are continuously drawing in fresh makeup air from the outside. The introduction of fresh air, along with the filtering systems, provide optimal air quality which promotes overall good health.
Now, more than ever, having these high end systems is extremely important to your health.
How are you maintaining social distancing guidelines within the coworking space?
In addition to directional arrows to maintain a one directional circulation, we have also updated the seating arrangement. We have separated the chairs at the coworking table and common areas to allow 6 feet of social distancing.
Can I bring a guest? Are the conference rooms open?
Yes, in phase 3 of reopening we have allowed members to bring a guests into the space. We ask that guests check in at the front desk and participate in the screening process.
Yes, the conference rooms have reopened. We ask that members wipe down the conference tables with the supplied cleaning products upon arrival and exiting of your booking.
Can I bring food? Is coffee still available?
Yes, in the third phase of reopening, we are allowing members to bring food to the space. Coffee is still available but we have switched to disposable cups and utensils to the safety of all members and guests.
Additional Questions or Concerns?
Whether you plan to join us at the Cooperative Venture Workspace, or feel more comfortable staying home, we’re here for our members! If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kristen, our General Manager, at